Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Real Art of Mehndi

Art of Mehndi on Hand to Arm has been a long-standing tradition stemming from many ancient cultures.
Mehandi has been used to decorate young women’s bodies as part of marriage celebrations from ancient time .
Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews etc. in their marriage ceremonies decorate the bride with Henna.
Mehandi art or henna is a temporarily done on the body with naturally prepared paste. Mehndi paste is used on different occasion of religious festivals, wedding ceremonies etc.
It can be used as natural medium instead of real tattoo designs. Here I present some wonderful pictures of Art of Mehndi on Hand to Arm .

Henna Mehndi Designs For Hands

Henna Mehndi Designs For Hands : Henna Mehndi Designs For Hands For Hands are most popular in the middle east , north africa , south asia and become popular all world. All ladies who belongs from asia Make Henna Mehndi Designs For Hands to give a good look and impression .
Henna Mehndi Designs For Hands are usually used  before the functions or other special occasion.Here we collect Latest Henna Mehndi Mesigns For Hands for Asian Girls and womens .

The ‘Woman’ of Pakistan

“Pakistan’s Golden Girls Grab The Cricket Gold”, “Pakistani Women Show Their Shining Side”, “Meet The Champions of Cricket: Pakistani Women”, these were the headlines of every leading newspaper and magazine around the world last week. This phenomenal event evidently exhibited the stronger side of the Pakistani women, however the tragedy follows. The picture-perfect women of Pakistan don’t enjoy the same refinement of living everywhere inside the country. Differences in moral and social set-ups have created a striking distinction of lifestyle adopted by women belonging to different classes, castes and areas of Pakistan.
The standards of the Pakistani society, which are revered and followed like religion in the lower classes and in the mediocre level, have been very much designed on the chauvinistic principles of  man’s dominance and the orthodox criterion of woman’s subservience to her family, her home and their respect. These conventional social values have, to an extent, incorporated inferiority complex and sense of insecurity in the minds of women. Low rate of literacy, deficient basic worldly knowledge, wrongfully usurped basic rights and extensively limited mobility has made women servile and languishing.
The main and the most evident requirement of the Pakistani women today is the provision of fundamental rights : the rights to gain education and expertise, the rights to access proper healthcare and development, the rights to acquire justice and security and the rights to be realized as equal human beings in the egotistic eyes of the society. Womankind if only explored instead of being exploited can contribute a great deal in the path to a robust and sufficient Pakistan.
Women in this part of the world are accelerating and ascending up on the escalators of progress, usually observed as idiosyncrasies of the suppressed group. The Pakistani Women have shown excellence in fields of science,technology,arts,sports,business,strategic relations and politics. Today they are contributing extensively to every field of workforce present not only in Pakistan but also in the outer world as Pakistani women have learnt how to keep pace with their international counterparts,ruling home and abroad.
If only this picturesque ‘woman’ of Pakistan is freed from the shackles of narcissism, if only could she escape domestic violence and abuses of harassment and vainglorious perceptions of gender discrimination, she has all the powers to emerge as the successful picture of life itself. God treated all equally while bestowing us with might, talent and aptitude. Why shouldn’t we ?

beautiful art painting of king edward medical university

king edward medical university has a historical background.this picture is made by our beloved country turkish students. pakistani universities photos,pakistani collleges photos,pakistani universities, pictures,pakistani colleges pictures

Saturday, 27 August 2011


Chicago Modern Art Museum

Chicago Modern Art Museum

The Museum of Modern Art in New York is a highly esteemed and well known establishment, sometimes regarded as the most significant modern art museum on the globe. Its main focus is the collection and development of modern art, in which it has been remarkably successful. The museum’s present collection encompasses paintings, drawings, works of design and architecture, photography, sculpture, prints, film, illustrated and artists’ books as well as the electronic media. Additionally the museum possesses archives and a comprehensive library containing files on over 70,000 artists and more than 300,000 books in addition to a multitude of periodicals and artist books.

The museum features some of the most important works of renowned artists such as The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon by Pablo Picasso, The Dream and The Sleeping Gypsy by Henri Rousseau, The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali, Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol, The Dance by Henri Matisse and Water Lilies by Claude Monet among many others.

Innovative exhibitions have been a particular forte of the Museum of Modern Art, with themes ranging from particular artists to the different schools and aspects of modern art. Recent exhibitions have featured such themes as the works of Mexican artist Gabriel Orozco, who is considered to be one of the most original artists of his generation, with his work blurring the boundaries between photography, drawing, installation, sculpture and painting.

An exhibition titled ‘Picasso: Themes and Variations’ traces the development of Picasso’s art in the field of printmaking, including his works in the Blue and Rose phases through to his innovations in Cubism.

The intriguing exhibit titled ‘The Modern Myth: Drawing Mythologies in Modern Times’ chronicles the influence of mythology on art, and the role of mythology in the development of the creations of a wide cross-section of artists.

For the traveler in search of New York hotels, the online portal NewYorkHotelseye.com provides relevant information and provides the facility to book hotels New York online.

By James V Cook

Article Source: ezinearticles.com

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Abstract Art

 This type of art deals with abstracting an image or having one that may be purely unidentifiable. The purpose of this type of art is to convey a feeling or sensation, rather than simply depicting an image or scene. Rather than a specific image, the focus may be shapes or colors or even lines. Abstract art was developed in the 19 th and 20th century, as a response a renewed trend to classicism and to Impressionism. Abstract art is sometimes also called nonobjective or nonrepresentational art. Famous abstract artists include Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondrian, Wassily Kandinsky and Jackson Pollock.

An image of a typographic collage. Impressionism

Impressionism began in the 19th century as a reaction to the requirements of the French Academie des Beaux-Arts, known as The Academie. The Academie demanded realistic, traditional painting that did not reveal the personal style of a painter. The Impressionists used stylized imagery, applying short, thick strokes of paint that remained visible (known as "impasto"), painted bold shadows and didn't mix their paints as previous artists had. Rather, they tended to use opaque applications paint, placed side by side. In this type of art, the artists focused on the way light affected an image during different times of day and in different seasons.To do this, many Impressionist painted outdoors or en plein air to capture the natural effects of light. Famous Impressionists include Monet, Sisley, Renoir and Pissaro.
