“Pakistan’s Golden Girls Grab The Cricket Gold”, “Pakistani Women Show Their Shining Side”, “Meet The Champions of Cricket: Pakistani Women”, these were the headlines of every leading newspaper and magazine around the world last week. This phenomenal event evidently exhibited the stronger side of the Pakistani women, however the tragedy follows. The picture-perfect women of Pakistan don’t enjoy the same refinement of living everywhere inside the country. Differences in moral and social set-ups have created a striking distinction of lifestyle adopted by women belonging to different classes, castes and areas of Pakistan.
The standards of the Pakistani society, which are revered and followed like religion in the lower classes and in the mediocre level, have been very much designed on the chauvinistic principles of man’s dominance and the orthodox criterion of woman’s subservience to her family, her home and their respect. These conventional social values have, to an extent, incorporated inferiority complex and sense of insecurity in the minds of women. Low rate of literacy, deficient basic worldly knowledge, wrongfully usurped basic rights and extensively limited mobility has made women servile and languishing.
The main and the most evident requirement of the Pakistani women today is the provision of fundamental rights : the rights to gain education and expertise, the rights to access proper healthcare and development, the rights to acquire justice and security and the rights to be realized as equal human beings in the egotistic eyes of the society. Womankind if only explored instead of being exploited can contribute a great deal in the path to a robust and sufficient Pakistan.
Women in this part of the world are accelerating and ascending up on the escalators of progress, usually observed as idiosyncrasies of the suppressed group. The Pakistani Women have shown excellence in fields of science,technology,arts,sports,business,strategic relations and politics. Today they are contributing extensively to every field of workforce present not only in Pakistan but also in the outer world as Pakistani women have learnt how to keep pace with their international counterparts,ruling home and abroad.
If only this picturesque ‘woman’ of Pakistan is freed from the shackles of narcissism, if only could she escape domestic violence and abuses of harassment and vainglorious perceptions of gender discrimination, she has all the powers to emerge as the successful picture of life itself. God treated all equally while bestowing us with might, talent and aptitude. Why shouldn’t we ?
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